Getting started with Nest-Queryify


As of version 0.10.0 of Queryify support for Elasticsearch version prior to v5 has been dropped, the nuget packages have a minimum NEST dependency which in turn relates to a specific major Elasticsearch release. If you need to continue using Queryify for v1 elasticsearch clusters then please install v0.7.0 from nuget.

What is it?

Nest-Queryify allows you to write and contain your interaction with Elasticsearch into defined, manageable and reuseable "query" objects. Each query object should represent a unit of logic, a search query, a document retrieval or a specific operation performed against an index within your Elasticsearch cluster.

Using Nest-Queryify

Once installed you will be able to create "queries" to execute against your Elasticsearch cluster.

Pre-defined queries

There are a number of pre-defined queries you can use for common queries, such as GetByIdQuery or DeleteByIdQuery. Each of these queries are ready to use and will perform a specific task when executed. See the query reference list for a list of available pre-defined queries.

Custom queries

If there isnt a pre-defined query that suits your needs you can extend the underlying queries with your own logic. To do this you should try and use one of the available abstract queries available to you, doing this will give you the cleanest access to the specific Nest descriptor needed for your task. We will discuss custom queries in more detail within the Writing Custom Queries.

Depending on your knowledge of Nest and your experience with Elasticsearch you can execute your queries in one (or both) of the following ways.

Executing your query via IElasticClient

Good those with past experience of Nest, or those that want to use queries as well as other core features of the Nest library directly. See Querying via ElasticClient.

Executing your query via ElasticsearchRepository

Great for those new to Nest and/or Elasticsearch. See Using the ElasticsearchRepository.