Using the ElasticsearchRepository

For those new to Nest, or even new to Elasticsearch itself you can use the ElasticsearchRepository to not only provide an entrypoint into executing queries, but also as an abstraction over the ElasticClient itself. Unsurprisingly this class follows the repository pattern to give you a simple interface to interaction with Elasticsearch that will feel more closely associated with a typical data store.

Basic Example

var singleNode = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(node);
IElasticClient client = new ElasticClient(settings);

IElasticsearchRepository repository = new ElasticsearchRepository(client);

var query = new GetByIdQuery(DocumentPath.Id<MyDocument>("my-identifier"));
IGetResponse<MyDocument> queryResponse = repository.Query(query);
var document = queryResponse.Source;

// or

var queryResponse = repository.GetById(DocumentPath.Id<MyDocument>("my-identifier"));
var document = queryResponse.Source;

// or

var document = repository.FindById(DocumentPath.Id<MyDocument>("my-identifier"));

// use your document